The 4th National Congress was held again in the city of Mar del Plata- State Buenos Aires - Argentina on 2023 March 1 to 3, having achieved an important call.
There were 176 registered with the participation of Public Sanitary Control Organizations (SENASA and OMSA), representatives of the World Renderer Organization (WRO) and North American Renderer Asoc (NARA) , and many companies in the areas of Animals Food, Poultry Companies, Producers of Margarines and Dietary Fats, Oleochemicals, Petroleum Company dedicated to bio fuels that are using animal oils (UCO) and fats, Brokers and Traders, Terminals Ports, Meet Factories Industry, Machine Manufacturers and Raw Materials for the Rendering industry.
A very high percentage of these participants were foreigners, from the following countries: Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy and Spain.
Below we make available the excellent presentations made by the invited speakers, some photos and video, showing the level and quality achieved.
We thank the Companies that have given us support as sponsors, hoping that they have had the desired result and continue to accompany us in the future.
Haarslev Co.
Orion S.R.L.
Kontinuer Oestergaard
Vilo Brokers S.R.L.
Fimaco S.A.
Dansa S.A.
Odfjell Terminals
Kemin Co.
Voxen S.A.
Presentations at the 4th Congress
We attach the presentations made by representatives of Public Organizations, Suppliers of high-tech Machines, Supplies for the treatment and conservation of raw materials to be processed and various Services dedicated to the Recycling Industry.
Lic. MartiĢn Minassian - OIE

La OMSA y la industria del Rendering, El impacto en la sanidad animal y la inocuidad de los alimentos
Dra. Angela Gentile - SENASA

Coordinadora General de la DireccioĢn de Inocuidad del SENASA Normativa Europea para Plantas de TransformacioĢn
Ing. Walter Lopez ā DANSA SA

Algunos DesafiĢos y soluciones para la Industria de Reciclado Animal AplicacioĢn de Aditivos- GestioĢn remota en Tiempo Real.- DeterminacioĢn de Vida UĢtil de Grasas- MeĢtodo Rancimat como herramienta estrateĢgica.
Dr. Joaquin Braulio Delgadillo Alvarez - ORGANIZACIOĢN NACIONAL DE RENDIDORES MX

La industria del Rendimiento en MeĢxico, una Industria en expansioĢn
Lic. Fernando ZunĢiga - HAARSLEV

Optimizando el Proceso del Rendering - TecnologiĢa europea para cuidar el futuro.
Lic. Felipe Hurtado - AGRIGLOBAL MARKET

Gestion B2B en los Negocios Agroganaderos
Bioquimica MariĢa JoseĢ Cuttini

La industria del Rendering como modelo de desarrollo sustentable y la economiĢa circular
Sr. Wallynson Andreoli - FIMACO

Equipos de nuevas tecnologiĢas para Plantas de Rendering
Ing. Lucas Cypriano - WORLD RENDERER ORG

Acciones maĢs recientes de la WRO junto a FAO/OIE /IFIF/LEAP
Ing. Ignacio Leone . EXPLORA & CAPBA - CaĢmara Panamericana de Biocombustibles Avanzados

AplicacioĢn de grasas animales en la produccioĢn de biocombustibles de 2a generacioĢn
Ing. Eduardo Dubinsky

Grasas animales y salud: Ampliando la mirada sobre viejos y nuevos debates
Lic. Kyle Canning - SCOULAR & CO.

Mercados Internacionales de ProteiĢnas
Mr. Martin W. Beer - VILO BROKERS

Comercio Internacional de grasas.

Nuevas tecnologiĢa en digestores continuos
Lic. Victor Tonelli

Mercado Ganadero: Presente y futuro
Lic. Claudio Zuchovicki

EconomiĢa y Finanzas 2023 interpretando el idioma del mercado ā 2023 ĀæAnĢo de inflexioĢn de la economiĢa en argentina?
Ing. Carlos Bacal - KEMIN

Nuestros productos y aplicaciones
Lic. Romanela Giannitti

ProduccioĢn de Grasas en argentina - Medio ambiente y AlimentacioĢn.